Disney. Pictures. Stuff. And so on…

Posts tagged ‘Disney Hats’

Tuesday Daily Disney

Some very interesting Disney things floating in the ether this week. Enjoy.

Lids hats have some new Disney items to cheer on your favorite baseball team. With plenty of pink ones for those of you who like pink hats. I’m showing a Mets hat, though it pains me, as a kudo to my friend John Cropp, who might be the biggest Mets/Disney fan and former cast member I’ve ever known. Click here for the link.

IO9 posted an interesting piece about some of Disney’s stranger educational films. Check it out here.

More behind the scenes of Star Wars from The Chive. Warning, The Chive isn’t for everyone.

Thanks to my friend Julie McKillip for sharing this great muppet shirt design with me.

A short piece about Disney Character names here.


New Mickey Ears!!!

Ok, the headline is a little deciving, these are NOT new mickey ears found in the parks, but rather in my head.

During our last visit, I noticed how many Mickey Ear hats had little, tiny hats on top like a top hat, mortar board, Sorcerer’s hat and so on. So, the family and I were talking on our last day and I said, ‘wouldn’t it be funny to have a set of ears with another little set of ears on top.’ And my bride said, ‘why don’t you make some?’ So I did.

Disney designers, take notice!! And please call if you’re interested 😉